
Today we’re going to explore survey data as if it were a graph. This exploration was inspired by a talk that Ed Finkler provided at Nodevember 2016. The schema uses the following logic: There are People, there are Answers, and those two things are connected by questions.

The two questions I want to answer by exploring this graph is:

  1. What can we learn from the people who spend less than 5% of their time on data visualization, but claim that data visualization is a primary focus of their work? (Inspired by Shirley Wu’s closing comments in 655 Frustrations Doing Data Visualization)
  2. Who are people similar to me in the data viz community?



The packages we will need are Tidyverse, stringr, and igraph. I added the igraph helper functions from my last post to my package tinkR.

packages <- c('tidyverse', 'stringr', 'igraph', 'tinkR')
sapply(packages, library, character.only = T)


The original data can be found in Elijah Meeks github repository. However, because we will work with a different version of the same dataset. I took the liberty and “graph-it-ized” (or “net-worked”, or “node-and-edgitized”) the csv so we can explore the survey results as we would a graph database. You can find the “graph-ee-teed” dataset in my github repository

g <- read_graph("Data/data_vis_survey.graphml", 'graphml')

Test Example

Before we dive into the graph, we should try out a test case to see if we understand the traversal logic.. While I did not take the survey, I do have answers for the questions on the survey. One of the questions on the survey is “What technologies do you use to visualize data?”. The tech I use are:

I want to know:

  1. How many people use each of those technologies?
  2. Who are the individuals using most of these technologies? (Who has a similar stack as me?)
#I want to know who gave the same answers as I did for a question
same_answers <- g %>%
  #find all edges
  E() %>%
  #filter edges that represent the question i'm interested in
  .[type == 'What technologies do you use to visualize data?'] %>%
  #create a subgraph from those edges
  reverse_subgraph_edges(g) %>%
  #save the subgraph for future reference
  save_as('question_net') %>%
  #find all edges of the subgraph
  E() %>%
  #filter edges that point towards my answers
  .[V(question_net) %->% V(question_net)[names(V(question_net)) %in% c("D3", 
                                                                       "Other Javascript", 
                                                                       "Other R", 
                                                                       "R Shiny", 
                                                                       "R")]] %>%
  #produce a graph of people who gave the same answers as me

Let’s see which one of my answers is the most common within the data visualization community.

same_answers %>%
  #find the number of 'in' edges each node has
  #only answers in this graph have 'in' edges
  degree(mode = 'in') %>%
  #because people don't have 'in' edges they get a degree of 0
  .[. > 0] %>%
  #let's sort the results for cleanliness
##               D3           ggplot          Other R Other Javascript 
##              535              350              251              241 
##         Inkscape       JavaScript       Javascript          R Shiny 
##                7                1                1                1 
##                R 
##                1

Just as a reference, let’s take a look at the ten most popular technologies:

#we created question_net when we created same_answers
#created has all the unfiltered
#'What technologies do you use to visualize data?' edges
question_net %>%
  degree(mode = 'in') %>%
  .[.>0] %>%
  sort(T) %>%
##            Excel               D3          Tableau           ggplot 
##              574              535              356              350 
##          Other R Other Javascript      Illustrator     Other Python 
##              251              241              236              185 
##          Leaflet           Pandas 
##              182              157

Now, let’s see if anyone uses all or most of these technologies:

same_answers %>%
  #find the number of 'out' edges each node has
  #only people in this graph have 'out' edges
  degree(mode = 'out') %>%
  .[.>0] %>%
  sort(T) %>%
## id: 128   id: 4  id: 43  id: 51  id: 65  id: 70 
##       5       4       4       4       4       4

It seems that person id: 128 has a similar stack as me. Let’s confirm this:

question_net %>%
  E() %>%
  .[V(question_net)[names(V(question_net)) == 'id: 128'] %->% V(question_net)] %>%
  reverse_subgraph_edges(question_net) %>%
title("id: 128's Tech Stack")

The person who is most similar to me seems to use GIS software and C3. Maybe I should look into developing those skills as well.

I’m also curious, what does this person do for work?

#start with unfiltered net
g %>%
  E() %>%
  .[V(g)[names(V(g)) == 'id: 128'] %->% V(g)] %>%
  .[type == "What is your official job title?"] %>%
  reverse_subgraph_edges(g) %>%
title("id: 128's Job")

Looking forward, we can identify a few patterns that we will need to use over and over again. Whenever we see a pattern with our code, we should wrap that pattern into a function to save us time typing and to prevent typos…let’s try to keep our code DRY.

#Creates a subgraph of people who answered a question a certain way
getSameAnswers <- function(graph, question, answerVect){
  graph %>%
    E() %>%
    .[type == question] %>%
    reverse_subgraph_edges(graph) %>%
    save_as('question_net') %>%
    E() %>%
    .[V(question_net) %->% V(question_net)[names(V(question_net)) %in% answerVect]] %>%

#Get all the answers to a particular question
whatTheySaid <- function(g, question){
  g %>%
    E() %>%
    .[type == question] %>%
    reverse_subgraph_edges(g) %>%
    degree(mode = 'in') %>%
    .[.> 0] %>%

Shirley’s question

I just want to know, those that replied <5% time spent on visualization, but also answered that it was their primary focus…how does that even 🤔?

How can we try to make sense of people who spend less than 5% of their time on visualization but claiim that it is their primary focus? We have a lot of information at our disposal, but not all of it is useful in answering this question. I propose that we try to find out the following information:

  1. What is their job? (maybe their job description can give us hints)
  2. How long have they been in data viz? (Maybe they have seniority roles and have different responsibiilities)
  3. How much time do they spend on other tasks? (Data prep, while not necessarily data viz, is a fundamental task)

We can answer these questions after we identify the people of interest:

#identify those who spend less than 5% of their time on dataviz
lt5_dv <- getSameAnswers(g, 
               "Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations?",
               as.character(0:5) ) %>%
  V() %>%
  .[type == 'person'] %>%

#identify those whose primary focus is data viz
pfocus <- getSameAnswers(g,
                         "What focus is data visualization in your work?",
                         "Data visualization is the focus of my job") %>%
  V() %>%
  .[type == 'person'] %>%

# create a network of people that identify
# data viz as their primary focus
# AND spend les than 5% of their tie doing daa viz
dataViz_atrophy <- lt5_dv %>% 
  .[. %in% pfocus] %>%
  reverse_ego(g) %>%
  unlist %>%
  names() %>% 
  unique %>%

Let’s filter the network we created to include only questions that we think will help us understand the people of interest better.

questionsOfInterest <- c(
  "What is your official job title?",
  "How many years have you been doing data visualization?",
  "Percent of your day focused on data engineering?",
  "Percent of your day focused on data science?",
  "Percent of your day focused on design?",
  "Percent of your day focused on data prep work?"

dataViz_atrophy_answers <- questionsOfInterest %>%
    q = x
    a = whatTheySaid(dataViz_atrophy, x)
    list(question = q, answer = a)

names(dataViz_atrophy_answers) <- sapply(dataViz_atrophy_answers, function(x){x$question})

dataViz_atrophy_answers <- lapply(dataViz_atrophy_answers, function(x){

## $`What is your official job title?`
##                            NA                    Consultant 
##                             1                             1 
##                     Professor Data Visualisation Specialist 
##                             1                             1 
## $`How many years have you been doing data visualization?`
## 10  1  7 
##  2  1  1 
## $`Percent of your day focused on data engineering?`
## 10 NA  0 
##  2  1  1 
## $`Percent of your day focused on data science?`
##  0  5 NA 
##  2  1  1 
## $`Percent of your day focused on design?`
## 10  5 NA 90 
##  1  1  1  1 
## $`Percent of your day focused on data prep work?`
## 10  5 NA  0 
##  1  1  1  1

We have both a Professor and a consultant in this group. They probably spend most of their time in the classroom or in meetings. All but one person in this group have at least 7 years of experience so they could potentially have enough seniority to guide others in data visualization and work on more top-level things rather than the actual craft of data visualization. One person actually spends most of his/her time on design, which brings up a good question – is data engineering and design not part of the process of “creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations”? Is data visualization not data science?

You may have noticed that we are looking at summary statistics of these answers. This is necessary once we start looking at answers provided by larger groups of people. Unfortunatley, whenever we use summary statistics, we lose a lot of important information. For instances, the above summary does not actually let us know who said what. Just for fun, and because the network is small, let’s create an edge list for each individual of interest:

dataViz_atrophy %>%
  V() %>%
  .[type == 'person'] %>%
  reverse_ego(dataViz_atrophy) %>%
    x %>% 
      names() %>%
      reverse_induced_subgraph(dataViz_atrophy) %>%
      save_as('individualOfInterest') %>%
      E() %>%
      .[type %in% questionsOfInterest] %>%
      save_as('questionEdge') %>%
      reverse_subgraph_edges(individualOfInterest) %>%
      ends(E(.)) %>%
      as.tibble() %>%
      rename(person = V1,
             answer = V2) %>%
      mutate(question = questionEdge$type) %>%
      select(person, question, answer)  %>%
      arrange(question) %>%
## [[1]]
## person    question                                                 answer     
## --------  -------------------------------------------------------  -----------
## id: 310   How many years have you been doing data visualization?   1          
## id: 310   Percent of your day focused on data engineering?         NA         
## id: 310   Percent of your day focused on data prep work?           NA         
## id: 310   Percent of your day focused on data science?             NA         
## id: 310   Percent of your day focused on design?                   NA         
## id: 310   What is your official job title?                         Consultant 
## [[2]]
## person    question                                                 answer                        
## --------  -------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------
## id: 323   How many years have you been doing data visualization?   10                            
## id: 323   Percent of your day focused on data engineering?         0                             
## id: 323   Percent of your day focused on data prep work?           5                             
## id: 323   Percent of your day focused on data science?             0                             
## id: 323   Percent of your day focused on design?                   90                            
## id: 323   What is your official job title?                         Data Visualisation Specialist 
## [[3]]
## person    question                                                 answer    
## --------  -------------------------------------------------------  ----------
## id: 496   How many years have you been doing data visualization?   10        
## id: 496   Percent of your day focused on data engineering?         10        
## id: 496   Percent of your day focused on data prep work?           10        
## id: 496   Percent of your day focused on data science?             5         
## id: 496   Percent of your day focused on design?                   10        
## id: 496   What is your official job title?                         Professor 
## [[4]]
## person    question                                                 answer 
## --------  -------------------------------------------------------  -------
## id: 797   How many years have you been doing data visualization?   7      
## id: 797   Percent of your day focused on data engineering?         10     
## id: 797   Percent of your day focused on data prep work?           0      
## id: 797   Percent of your day focused on data science?             0      
## id: 797   Percent of your day focused on design?                   5      
## id: 797   What is your official job title?                         NA

Finding myself within the community

Traversing a graph lends itself to being a pretty good recommendation system. To test this out, we will try to find people like me within the community. I did not take the survey myself. Below is a tibble with some of my answers to the survey questions. We will use this tibble to find people who answered the same quesions like I did.

my_survey_responses <- tibble(
  questions = c(
    "What's your employment status",
    "How many years have you been doing data visualization?",
    "Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level?",
    "Where do you live?",
    "How did you learn to create data visualization?",
    "Is this your first job doing data visualization?",
    "What is your educational background?",
    "What’s your ethnicity?",
    "What focus is data visualization in your work?",
    "Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future?",
    "The organization you work for is in which of the following?",
    "What technologies do you use to visualize data?",
    "Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it?"
  answers = list(
    c("1", "2"),
    c("Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation"),
    c("USA or Canada"),
    c("Mostly Self-Taught"),
    c("white", "hispanic"),
    c("Data visualization is the focus of my job"),
    c("Much more"),
    c("26 - 35"),
    c("D3", "Other Javascript", "Other R", "Inkscape", "ggplot", "JavaScript", "R Shiny", "R"),
    c('Intended to work in data visualization')

Filtering the network for those who are like me

Let’s create networks of people who answered questions like I did. The below code creates a list of subgraphs that have only one question represented and only includes people who answered the question like I did.

#create subnetworks of people who answered questions as I did
same_answers <- lapply(seq_along(my_survey_responses$questions), function(i){

We want to create a single graph by combining each of the subgraphs together. Combining graphs together is a little tricky and I haven’t figured out a more efficient way to combine graphs together. What we will do is create multiple tibbles representing edge lists, bind them together, and then make a completely new graph using graph_from_data_frame()

edges <- lapply(same_answers, function(x){
  el <- x %>%
    #creates  matrix with source in first column and target in second column
    ends(E(.)) %>%
    as.tibble() %>%
    mutate(type = x %>% E() %>% .$type %>% .[1]) %>%
    rename(source = V1,
           target = V2)})%>%

networkLikeMe <- graph_from_data_frame(edges)

Let’s take a look at the ten people who answered these questions like me. The higher the degree, the more question they answered like me.

networkLikeMe %>%
  degree(mode = 'out') %>%
  .[.>0] %>%
  sort(T) %>%
##  id: 43 id: 170 id: 295 id: 705 id: 775  id: 27 id: 209 id: 240 id: 254 
##      13      13      13      13      13      12      12      12      12 
## id: 307 
##      12

I’ve only answered 15 questions, so people who have at least 12 similar connections to me seems like a decent cut-off point for deciding whether or not someone is similar to me. Let’s create a network of people who have at least 12 similar connections to me:

networkLikeMe_full <- networkLikeMe %>%
  V() %>%
  .[degree(networkLikeMe, mode = 'out') >= 12] %>%
  names() %>%
  save_as('peopleLikeMe') %>%
  smooth_transition(networkLikeMe) %>%
  E() %>%
  .[peopleLikeMe %->% V(networkLikeMe)] %>%

Let’s identify the people who are similar to me.

##  [1] "id: 27"  "id: 43"  "id: 170" "id: 209" "id: 240" "id: 254" "id: 295"
##  [8] "id: 307" "id: 361" "id: 403" "id: 454" "id: 455" "id: 497" "id: 705"
## [15] "id: 775" "id: 803" "id: 960"

There are 17 people who are similar to me out of 979. Let’s explore these people:

peopleLikeMe_full <- peopleLikeMe %>%
  reverse_ego(g, 1) %>%
  unlist %>%
  names() %>% 
  unique %>%

My current job title is “Data Visualization Programmer”, let’s check out the jobs of people like me:

peopleLikeMe_full %>%
  E() %>%
  .[type == "What is your official job title?" ] %>%
  reverse_subgraph_edges(peopleLikeMe_full) %>%
  degree(mode = 'in') %>%
  .[. > 0] %>%
##                                                Graphics Editor 
##                                                              2 
##                                    Data Visualization Engineer 
##                                                              2 
##                                                Data Journalist 
##                                                              1 
## Research Associate for Information Synthesis and Dissemination 
##                                                              1 
##                                                   Data Analyst 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Data Visualization Analyst 
##                                                              1 
##                                                 Data Scientist 
##                                                              1 
##                                             Research Associate 
##                                                              1 
##                                                     Researcher 
##                                                              1 
##                                           Senior Urban Planner 
##                                                              1 
##            Director Office of Data Research and Accountability 
##                                                              1 
##                                               Business Analyst 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Faculty Research Associate 
##                                                              1 
##                                     Data Visualisation Manager 
##                                                              1 
##                                                   Statistician 
##                                                              1

“Data Visualization Engineer” seem synonymous to “Data Visualization Engineer” so it makes sense as one of the top jobs listed for people like me. “Graphics Editor” and “Data Journalist” are two positions that I would love to have. So it’s neat that people with those jobs can be found in a list of people like me. Just for comparison, let’s check out what are the top ten jobs of the community:

g %>%
  E() %>%
  .[type == "What is your official job title?"] %>%
  reverse_subgraph_edges(g) %>%
  degree(mode = 'in') %>%
  sort(T) %>%
##                       NA           Data Scientist               Consultant 
##                       85                       49                       20 
##        Software Engineer             Data Analyst               Researcher 
##                       17                       16                       13 
##                  Analyst Senior Software Engineer       Software Developer 
##                        9                        9                        9 
##               Freelancer 
##                        8

Neither “Data Visualization Engineer”, “Graphics Editor”, nor “Data Journalist” show up as a top ten job for the community. This implies that the people listed in peopleLikeMe are actually like me and not just a typical person in the data viz community. Cool, it seems like graph traversal is doing a good job of identifying people like me. Let’s create the building blocks to see how people like me answered questions:

questions <- g %>%
  E() %>%
  .$type %>%

similarAnswers <- lapply(questions, function(x){
  q <- x
  a <- whatTheySaid(peopleLikeMe_full, x)
    question = q,
    answers = a

names(similarAnswers) <- sapply(similarAnswers, function(x){x$question})

similarAnswers <- lapply(similarAnswers, function(x){x$answers})

Let’s explore how people like me answered some questions:

similarAnswers$`Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization?`
##             NA   Mike Bostock Tamara Munzner  Alberto Cairo      Andy Kirk 
##              5              5              3              2              2 
## Hadley Wickham   Jeffrey Heer        Tableau     Nathan Yau   Hans Rosling 
##              2              2              1              1              1 
##  Nadieh Bremer     Amanda Cox   Andy Kriebel   Elijah Meeks Santiago Ortiz 
##              1              1              1              1              1 
##     Chris Viau 
##              1
similarAnswers$`Who do you make data visualizations for?`
##              Analysts        General Public            Executives 
##                    12                    10                     9 
##            Scientists             Engineers      Project Managers 
##                     5                     4                     4 
##      Product Managers Medical Professionals               Clients 
##                     2                     2                     1
similarAnswers$`Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months:`
##      Line Chart       Bar Chart  Choropleth Map         Treemap 
##              16              15              12               6 
## Network Diagram    Flow Diagram       Pie Chart    Infographics 
##               6               5               4               3 
##      Raster Map      Dendrogram    venn diagram     Scatterplot 
##               2               1               1               1 
##     slope chart       cartogram        Heat Map 
##               1               1               1
similarAnswers$`What technologies do you use to visualize data?`
##                                D3                            ggplot 
##                                15                                14 
##                             Excel                  Other Javascript 
##                                10                                10 
##                           Other R                           Leaflet 
##                                10                                 8 
##                           Tableau                      Other Python 
##                                 6                                 5 
##                       Illustrator                        Highcharts 
##                                 4                                 4 
##                            Pandas                              QGIS 
##                                 4                                 4 
##                            Plotly                            Mapbox 
##                                 3                                 3 
##                             React                        Processing 
##                                 3                                 3 
##                              Vega                             WebGL 
##                                 2                                 2 
##                              Java                          Power BI 
##                                 2                                 1 
##                          Other BI                            ArcGIS 
##                                 1                                 1 
##                     After Effects                           Angular 
##                                 1                                 1 
##                         Other MVC Other Network Visualization Suite 
##                                 1                                 1 
##                            Sketch                             Stata 
##                                 1                                 1 
##                       google docs                          Recharts 
##                                 1                                 1 
##                          Chart.JS 
##                                 1


The topic of community was spoken about a lot last year. Julia Silge explored the topic useR!2017. Eric Socolofsky and Elijah Meeks developed a Medium page specifically focusing on Visualizing, The Field. Exploring community surveys is important for identifying the health of a community, but also exploring the indiiduals that create those communities.

Ending Thoughts

Before I moved back to the states I lived on a farm in South America. I lived with family, and while I wasn’t alone, I definitely felt lonely. I had a lot of free time and I eventually decided to learn how to code. My spanish was pretty bad and I didn’t know anyone nearby who could teach me how to code, so I had to learn everything online. And while I am technically “Mostly Self-Taught” I would never be able to do what I can do now if it weren’t for the wonderful online R and D3 communities. Very awesome people within these communities took their time to write tutorials so people like me could learn. Some were even kind enough to look at my code and give me advice directly. The D3 slack channel in particular was a place that provided me with both a place to learn as well as a social outlet. I care very deeply about these communities and being able to find people similar to me within them makes me really happy - it implies that I actually do belong within their ranks.


Just in case you want to learn more about people like me, below is their answers to all the questions.

personProfile <- function(g){
  g %>%
    V() %>%
    .[type == 'person'] %>%
    reverse_ego(g) %>%
      x %>% 
        names() %>%
        reverse_induced_subgraph(g) %>%
        save_as('individualOfInterest') %>%
        E() %>%
        .[type %in% questions] %>%
        save_as('questionEdge') %>%
        reverse_subgraph_edges(individualOfInterest) %>%
        ends(E(.)) %>%
        as.tibble() %>%
        rename(person = V1,
               answer = V2) %>%
        mutate(question = questionEdge$type) %>%
        select(person, question, answer)  %>%
        arrange(question) %>%



person question answer
id: 27 Age 26 - 35
id: 27 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 27 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 27 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 27 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Design
id: 27 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Ended up doing data visualization as a requirement of the job
id: 27 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? More
id: 27 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 27 Gender male
id: 27 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 27 How do you present your data visualizations? Embedded in a tool
id: 27 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 27 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 27 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 27 How do you present your data visualizations? Email
id: 27 How do you present your data visualizations? Scrollytelling
id: 27 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 27 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 27 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 27 How is your organization using data visualization? Marketing
id: 27 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 4
id: 27 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Weekly
id: 27 How would you describe the relationship? Collaborative
id: 27 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? NA
id: 27 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? More on-the-job- hands on trainings on new tools- so I can learn by doing.
id: 27 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 27 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 27 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation
id: 27 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 50
id: 27 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 0
id: 27 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 15
id: 27 Percent of your day focused on data science? 5
id: 27 Percent of your day focused on design? 30
id: 27 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Not-for-profit
id: 27 Timestamp 2/27/2017 12:56:04
id: 27 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? More in-person workshops/training/meetups for beginners where people of all skill levels could come to talk through ideas and work on projects with help from peers or mentors.
id: 27 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 27 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 27 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 27 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 27 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? Two things: 1) the amount of time it takes to produce data viz. 2) the breadth of data-viz options available to them.
id: 27 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is an important secondary part of my job but not the focus
id: 27 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? NA
id: 27 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Keeping up with new tools and learning how to use them (steep learning curves- lack of on-the-job training).
id: 27 What is your educational background? Bachelors
id: 27 What is your official job title? Research Associate for Information Synthesis and Dissemination
id: 27 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 27 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Expert
id: 27 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Business Intelligence Tools
id: 27 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 27 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 27 What one change would make your job better? More trainings on new tools- especially R/ggplot- D3- Ruby on Rails- and front end web development–javascript in particular.
id: 27 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 27 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 27 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 27 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Tableau
id: 27 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 27 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Illustrator
id: 27 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Highcharts
id: 27 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 27 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 27 What technologies do you use to visualize data? After Effects
id: 27 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 27 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 27 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 27 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Infographics
id: 27 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Pie Chart
id: 27 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Treemap
id: 27 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Flow Diagram
id: 27 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: venn diagram
id: 27 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Alberto Cairo
id: 27 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Hans Rosling
id: 27 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 27 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives
id: 27 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public


person question answer
id: 43 Age 26 - 35
id: 43 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? Yes
id: 43 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 43 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Design
id: 43 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Engineering
id: 43 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 43 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? More
id: 43 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Hired to do data visualization
id: 43 Gender male
id: 43 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 43 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 43 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 43 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 43 How do you present your data visualizations? Scrollytelling
id: 43 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 43 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 43 How is your organization using data visualization? Marketing
id: 43 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 43 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 6
id: 43 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Weekly
id: 43 How would you describe the relationship? Consultative
id: 43 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? make it flashier
id: 43 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? add more data science and analysis to the process.
id: 43 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Separate data visualization team
id: 43 Is this your first job doing data visualization? No
id: 43 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation
id: 43 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 40
id: 43 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 20
id: 43 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 20
id: 43 Percent of your day focused on data science? 10
id: 43 Percent of your day focused on design? 10
id: 43 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 43 Timestamp 3/3/2017 9:06:25
id: 43 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? move forward data vis literacy.
id: 43 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 43 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 43 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 43 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 43 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? the power of answering questions with the data.
id: 43 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 43 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? getting more into webgl
id: 43 What is your biggest frustration with your job? communication with client and co-workers is hard - human interactions are still the biggest challenge in all industries I’ve encountered.
id: 43 What is your educational background? Masters
id: 43 What is your official job title? Data Visualization Engineer
id: 43 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 43 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Expert
id: 43 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 43 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 43 What one change would make your job better? have time to inject more prediction and analysis into the process.
id: 43 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 43 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Leaflet
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? WebGL
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Mapbox
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Python
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Pandas
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? React
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? QGIS
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Network Visualization Suite
id: 43 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Sketch
id: 43 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 43 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 43 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 43 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Treemap
id: 43 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Network Diagram
id: 43 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 43 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Amanda Cox
id: 43 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 43 Who do you make data visualizations for? Engineers
id: 43 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives
id: 43 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public
id: 43 Who do you make data visualizations for? Medical Professionals


person question answer
id: 170 Age 26 - 35
id: 170 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? Yes
id: 170 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 170 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Design
id: 170 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Ended up doing data visualization as a requirement of the job
id: 170 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 170 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 170 Gender male
id: 170 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 170 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 170 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 170 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 170 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 170 How do you present your data visualizations? Email
id: 170 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 170 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 170 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 170 How is your organization using data visualization? Marketing
id: 170 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 170 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 5
id: 170 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Daily
id: 170 How would you describe the relationship? Consultative
id: 170 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? Design more interactive-first and less static materials designed to work on a web page or PDF
id: 170 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? More focus on the most interesting g data and viz problems
id: 170 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 170 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 170 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Don’t Know/Prefer Not to Say
id: 170 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 5
id: 170 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 15
id: 170 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 10
id: 170 Percent of your day focused on data science? 15
id: 170 Percent of your day focused on design? 15
id: 170 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 170 Timestamp 3/2/2017 23:29:10
id: 170 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? NA
id: 170 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 170 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 170 What do they use your data visualizations for? Political decision making
id: 170 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? The underlying logic and design philosophy
id: 170 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is an important secondary part of my job but not the focus
id: 170 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Not having time to learn all the great tools that are out there.
id: 170 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Lack of audience knowledge (have to train them!)
id: 170 What is your educational background? Bachelors
id: 170 What is your official job title? Senior Urban Planner
id: 170 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 170 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Intro
id: 170 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Business Intelligence Tools
id: 170 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 170 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 170 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 170 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? GIS
id: 170 What one change would make your job better? More focus on designing for the internet- less on antiquated print media
id: 170 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 170 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Tableau
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Illustrator
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Leaflet
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Mapbox
id: 170 What technologies do you use to visualize data? QGIS
id: 170 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 170 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 170 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 170 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Network Diagram
id: 170 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 170 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Raster Map
id: 170 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Hadley Wickham
id: 170 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 170 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives
id: 170 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public
id: 170 Who do you make data visualizations for? Project Managers


person question answer
id: 209 Age 26 - 35
id: 209 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? Yes
id: 209 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 209 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 209 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? C suite
id: 209 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Ended up doing data visualization as a requirement of the job
id: 209 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 209 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 209 Gender male
id: 209 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 209 How do you present your data visualizations? Embedded in a tool
id: 209 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 209 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 209 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 209 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 209 How do you present your data visualizations? Scrollytelling
id: 209 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 209 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 209 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 7
id: 209 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Yearly
id: 209 How would you describe the relationship? Subordinate
id: 209 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? more acceptance of visualization decisions
id: 209 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? Staffing
id: 209 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) NA
id: 209 Is this your first job doing data visualization? No
id: 209 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation
id: 209 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 5
id: 209 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 5
id: 209 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 10
id: 209 Percent of your day focused on data science? 10
id: 209 Percent of your day focused on design? 5
id: 209 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Public sector
id: 209 Timestamp 3/3/2017 3:51:23
id: 209 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? Strategies for educating the audience about data visualization and why certain choices are made.
id: 209 What do they use your data visualizations for? Reporting requirements
id: 209 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? The time and effort required to create visualizations when working with large transactional systems that require extensive cleaning and preparation.
id: 209 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is an important secondary part of my job but not the focus
id: 209 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Lack of trust that I am selecting the best and most appropriate method to visualize the data.
id: 209 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Too many meetings and difficulties hiring team members
id: 209 What is your educational background? PhD
id: 209 What is your official job title? Director Office of Data Research and Accountability
id: 209 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Intro
id: 209 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Modeling
id: 209 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Business Intelligence Tools
id: 209 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 209 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 209 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 209 What one change would make your job better? Additional staff
id: 209 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 209 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Tableau
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Plotly
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Vega
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Leaflet
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Highcharts
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Python
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other BI
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Pandas
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? React
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? QGIS
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Angular
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other MVC
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Java
id: 209 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Stata
id: 209 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 209 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 209 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Andy Kirk
id: 209 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Mike Bostock
id: 209 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Jeffrey Heer
id: 209 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 209 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives
id: 209 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public
id: 209 Who do you make data visualizations for? Product Managers
id: 209 Who do you make data visualizations for? Project Managers


person question answer
id: 240 Age 26 - 35
id: 240 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? Yes
id: 240 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 240 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 240 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Editorial
id: 240 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 240 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? More
id: 240 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Hired to do data visualization
id: 240 Gender male
id: 240 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 240 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 240 How do you present your data visualizations? Scrollytelling
id: 240 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 240 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 240 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 240 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 240 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 4
id: 240 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Daily
id: 240 How would you describe the relationship? Collaborative
id: 240 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? Would like to publish more exploratory/experimental things
id: 240 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? NA
id: 240 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 240 Is this your first job doing data visualization? No
id: 240 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Don’t Know/Prefer Not to Say
id: 240 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 30
id: 240 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 5
id: 240 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 15
id: 240 Percent of your day focused on data science? 15
id: 240 Percent of your day focused on design? 10
id: 240 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Media
id: 240 Timestamp 2/27/2017 15:33:14
id: 240 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? Not sure what I should be working on now to keep ahead of the curve in the future. will vega put us all out work??
id: 240 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 240 What do they use your data visualizations for? Entertainment
id: 240 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 240 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? Leadership totally gets it - Steve/Archie/Amanda/Hannah are all great!
id: 240 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 240 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? The stack is a little complicated. Don’t like having to squeeze things inside require/backbone/site css
id: 240 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Still learning how to do reporting and come up with interesting news ideas
id: 240 What is your educational background? Bachelors
id: 240 What is your official job title? Graphics Editor
id: 240 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Intro
id: 240 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 240 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 240 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? GIS
id: 240 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Graphics
id: 240 What one change would make your job better? Less money in news/not sure about career path
id: 240 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 240 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 240 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 240 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 240 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 240 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Illustrator
id: 240 What technologies do you use to visualize data? WebGL
id: 240 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 240 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Mapbox
id: 240 What technologies do you use to visualize data? google docs
id: 240 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 240 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 240 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 240 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Treemap
id: 240 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 240 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Scatterplot
id: 240 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: slope chart
id: 240 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: cartogram
id: 240 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Mike Bostock
id: 240 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public


person question answer
id: 254 Age 26 - 35
id: 254 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 254 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 254 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Design
id: 254 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Engineering
id: 254 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 254 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 254 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 254 Gender male
id: 254 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 254 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 254 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 254 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 254 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 254 How do you present your data visualizations? Scrollytelling
id: 254 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 254 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 254 How is your organization using data visualization? Machine Learning
id: 254 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 7
id: 254 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Weekly
id: 254 How would you describe the relationship? Consultative
id: 254 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? NA
id: 254 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? NA
id: 254 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Both
id: 254 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 254 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has same compensation
id: 254 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 60
id: 254 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 30
id: 254 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 30
id: 254 Percent of your day focused on data science? 45
id: 254 Percent of your day focused on design? 10
id: 254 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Not-for-profit
id: 254 Timestamp 2/28/2017 6:36:32
id: 254 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? NA
id: 254 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 254 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 254 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 254 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? NA
id: 254 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 254 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Accessibility
id: 254 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Lack of collaboration
id: 254 What is your educational background? PhD
id: 254 What is your official job title? Faculty Research Associate
id: 254 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 254 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Intro
id: 254 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 254 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 254 What one change would make your job better? NA
id: 254 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 254 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 254 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 254 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 254 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Python
id: 254 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 254 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 254 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 254 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Flow Diagram
id: 254 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Network Diagram
id: 254 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 254 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Mike Bostock
id: 254 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 254 Who do you make data visualizations for? Engineers
id: 254 Who do you make data visualizations for? Scientists


person question answer
id: 295 Age 26 - 35
id: 295 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 295 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 295 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 295 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 295 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 295 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Hired to do data visualization
id: 295 Gender male
id: 295 How did you learn to create data visualization? Equal Parts School and Self-Taught
id: 295 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 295 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 295 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 295 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 295 How is your organization using data visualization? Marketing
id: 295 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 1
id: 295 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Monthly
id: 295 How would you describe the relationship? Consultative
id: 295 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? NA
id: 295 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? NA
id: 295 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 295 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 295 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Don’t Know/Prefer Not to Say
id: 295 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 80
id: 295 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 0
id: 295 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 10
id: 295 Percent of your day focused on data science? 0
id: 295 Percent of your day focused on design? 10
id: 295 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Not-for-profit
id: 295 Timestamp 2/28/2017 6:43:46
id: 295 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? More about structuring/feeding data for visualizations and more about good design practices for data vis based web applications.
id: 295 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 295 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 295 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 295 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? NA
id: 295 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 295 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Lack of clear use cases.
id: 295 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Dealing with the IT framework of the parent organization.
id: 295 What is your educational background? Masters
id: 295 What is your official job title? Data Visualization Analyst
id: 295 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 295 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Business Intelligence Tools
id: 295 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 295 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 295 What one change would make your job better? NA
id: 295 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 295 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 295 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 295 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Tableau
id: 295 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 295 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 295 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 295 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 295 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 295 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 295 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Hadley Wickham
id: 295 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Mike Bostock
id: 295 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Tamara Munzner
id: 295 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Chris Viau
id: 295 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public
id: 295 Who do you make data visualizations for? Medical Professionals
id: 295 Who do you make data visualizations for? Scientists


person question answer
id: 307 Age 26 - 35
id: 307 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 307 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 307 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Engineering
id: 307 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Ended up doing data visualization as a requirement of the job
id: 307 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 307 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Hired to do data visualization
id: 307 Gender male
id: 307 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 307 How do you present your data visualizations? Embedded in a tool
id: 307 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 307 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 307 How do you present your data visualizations? Email
id: 307 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 307 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 307 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 307 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 307 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 2
id: 307 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Weekly
id: 307 How would you describe the relationship? Subordinate
id: 307 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? More interesting charting types
id: 307 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? Higher data quality & pipeline building
id: 307 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 307 Is this your first job doing data visualization? No
id: 307 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Don’t Know/Prefer Not to Say
id: 307 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 20
id: 307 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 30
id: 307 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 10
id: 307 Percent of your day focused on data science? 0
id: 307 Percent of your day focused on design? 40
id: 307 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 307 Timestamp 2/27/2017 12:33:16
id: 307 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? NA
id: 307 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 307 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 307 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? Charting types outside of line/bar charts
id: 307 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 307 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? garbage in- garbage out
id: 307 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Data prep takes a long time
id: 307 What is your educational background? Bachelors
id: 307 What is your official job title? Data Visualization Engineer
id: 307 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 307 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Expert
id: 307 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Business Intelligence Tools
id: 307 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 307 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 307 What one change would make your job better? more data engineering support
id: 307 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 307 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 307 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Tableau
id: 307 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 307 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 307 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Highcharts
id: 307 What technologies do you use to visualize data? React
id: 307 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Recharts
id: 307 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 307 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 307 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 307 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Flow Diagram
id: 307 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 307 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Heat Map
id: 307 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Mike Bostock
id: 307 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Nadieh Bremer
id: 307 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Elijah Meeks
id: 307 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 307 Who do you make data visualizations for? Engineers
id: 307 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives
id: 307 Who do you make data visualizations for? Project Managers


person question answer
id: 361 Age 26 - 35
id: 361 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 361 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 361 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Marketing
id: 361 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 361 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? BI
id: 361 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Ended up doing data visualization as a requirement of the job
id: 361 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? More
id: 361 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 361 Gender male
id: 361 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 361 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 361 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 361 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 361 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 361 How do you present your data visualizations? Email
id: 361 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 361 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 361 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 361 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 2
id: 361 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Daily
id: 361 How would you describe the relationship? Collaborative
id: 361 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? More resources for guidelines across tools- like the grammar of graphics.
id: 361 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? The data input of other teams.
id: 361 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 361 Is this your first job doing data visualization? No
id: 361 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation
id: 361 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 20
id: 361 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 5
id: 361 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 40
id: 361 Percent of your day focused on data science? 25
id: 361 Percent of your day focused on design? 10
id: 361 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 361 Timestamp 3/1/2017 11:21:04
id: 361 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? How to structure your data and guidelines for how “big” data can get before models need to be reworked.
id: 361 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 361 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 361 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 361 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 361 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? The underlying data structure.
id: 361 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is an important secondary part of my job but not the focus
id: 361 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Limitations of Power BI
id: 361 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Data quality
id: 361 What is your educational background? Bachelors
id: 361 What is your official job title? Data Analyst
id: 361 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 361 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Business Intelligence Tools
id: 361 What one change would make your job better? An easier data structure to report off of.
id: 361 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 361 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 361 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 361 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 361 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 361 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 361 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Power BI
id: 361 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Chart.JS
id: 361 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 361 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 361 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 361 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Infographics
id: 361 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Treemap
id: 361 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Flow Diagram
id: 361 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Network Diagram
id: 361 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Nathan Yau
id: 361 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Andy Kriebel
id: 361 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 361 Who do you make data visualizations for? Engineers
id: 361 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives
id: 361 Who do you make data visualizations for? Product Managers


person question answer
id: 403 Age 26 - 35
id: 403 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? Yes
id: 403 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 403 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Engineering
id: 403 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 403 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 403 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 403 Gender male
id: 403 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 403 How do you present your data visualizations? Embedded in a tool
id: 403 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 403 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 403 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 403 How do you present your data visualizations? Scrollytelling
id: 403 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 403 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 403 How is your organization using data visualization? Machine Learning
id: 403 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 6
id: 403 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Monthly
id: 403 How would you describe the relationship? Consultative
id: 403 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? Educating users in different types of data viz
id: 403 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? I need a csv editor
id: 403 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Both
id: 403 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 403 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Don’t Know/Prefer Not to Say
id: 403 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 50
id: 403 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 100
id: 403 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 50
id: 403 Percent of your day focused on data science? 100
id: 403 Percent of your day focused on design? 10
id: 403 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 403 Timestamp 3/4/2017 18:13:30
id: 403 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? Remakes
id: 403 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 403 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 403 What do they use your data visualizations for? Entertainment
id: 403 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 403 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? Different viz types tell different stories
id: 403 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 403 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Picking the right viz
id: 403 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Data cleaning
id: 403 What is your educational background? Masters
id: 403 What is your official job title? Data Scientist
id: 403 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Expert
id: 403 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 403 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 403 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 403 What one change would make your job better? Open data in good formats
id: 403 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 403 What’s your ethnicity? hispanic
id: 403 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 403 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Leaflet
id: 403 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Highcharts
id: 403 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 403 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 403 Where do you live? Latin America
id: 403 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 403 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 403 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Treemap
id: 403 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Dendrogram
id: 403 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Network Diagram
id: 403 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 403 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Alberto Cairo
id: 403 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Andy Kirk
id: 403 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Santiago Ortiz
id: 403 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 403 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives
id: 403 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public
id: 403 Who do you make data visualizations for? Scientists


person question answer
id: 454 Age 26 - 35
id: 454 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? Yes
id: 454 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 454 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 454 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 454 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 454 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Hired to do data visualization
id: 454 Gender male
id: 454 How did you learn to create data visualization? Equal Parts School and Self-Taught
id: 454 How do you present your data visualizations? Embedded in a tool
id: 454 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 454 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 454 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 454 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 454 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 454 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 7
id: 454 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Monthly
id: 454 How would you describe the relationship? Collaborative
id: 454 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? Being able to present vis as a creative and rhetorical endeavor instead of “just” engineering.
id: 454 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? Pretty much a complete rebuild of academia as a concept- from the top down.
id: 454 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Both
id: 454 Is this your first job doing data visualization? No
id: 454 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Don’t Know/Prefer Not to Say
id: 454 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 10
id: 454 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 5
id: 454 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 10
id: 454 Percent of your day focused on data science? 5
id: 454 Percent of your day focused on design? 15
id: 454 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Public sector
id: 454 Timestamp 2/27/2017 14:09:24
id: 454 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? More discussion of the ethics of the improper presentation of data. How bad vis can actually impact decision-making and policy for the worse.
id: 454 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 454 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 454 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? The importance of avoiding “fishing expeditions-” but really having strong statistical arguments and justifications for examining data in specific ways.
id: 454 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 454 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Reliance on design “folklore” rather than empirical evidence of effectiveness.
id: 454 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Alienation of labor as a product of capitalism as a mode of labor relations.
id: 454 What is your educational background? PhD
id: 454 What is your official job title? Research Associate
id: 454 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Expert
id: 454 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 454 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 454 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 454 What one change would make your job better? A movement away from one-time/one-audience bespoke vis tools- and towards more general frameworks.
id: 454 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 454 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Tableau
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Vega
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Processing
id: 454 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Java
id: 454 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 454 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 454 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 454 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 454 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Raster Map
id: 454 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Tableau
id: 454 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Jeffrey Heer
id: 454 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Tamara Munzner
id: 454 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public
id: 454 Who do you make data visualizations for? Scientists


person question answer
id: 455 Age 26 - 35
id: 455 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? Don’t Know
id: 455 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 455 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 455 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Ended up doing data visualization as a requirement of the job
id: 455 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 455 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 455 Gender male
id: 455 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 455 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 455 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 455 How do you present your data visualizations? Gallery
id: 455 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 455 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 2
id: 455 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Weekly
id: 455 How would you describe the relationship? Collaborative
id: 455 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? Focus on building software rather than one-off projects
id: 455 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? Greater focus on vis
id: 455 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Separate data visualization team
id: 455 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 455 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Don’t Know/Prefer Not to Say
id: 455 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 25
id: 455 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 15
id: 455 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 30
id: 455 Percent of your day focused on data science? 15
id: 455 Percent of your day focused on design? 15
id: 455 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Public sector
id: 455 Timestamp 2/27/2017 20:26:51
id: 455 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? NA
id: 455 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 455 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 455 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? That it requires expertise
id: 455 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 455 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Small display media
id: 455 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Missing data
id: 455 What is your educational background? PhD
id: 455 What is your official job title? Researcher
id: 455 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Expert
id: 455 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 455 What one change would make your job better? More patient users
id: 455 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 455 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 455 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Leaflet
id: 455 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 455 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 455 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Python
id: 455 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Pandas
id: 455 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Processing
id: 455 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 455 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 455 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? Tamara Munzner
id: 455 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 455 Who do you make data visualizations for? Scientists


person question answer
id: 497 Age 25 or younger
id: 497 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 497 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? NA
id: 497 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Design
id: 497 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 497 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Same
id: 497 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 497 Gender male
id: 497 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 497 How do you present your data visualizations? NA
id: 497 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 497 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 497 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 497 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 497 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 5
id: 497 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Monthly
id: 497 How would you describe the relationship? NA
id: 497 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? NA
id: 497 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? NA
id: 497 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Separate data visualization team
id: 497 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 497 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation
id: 497 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 40
id: 497 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 0
id: 497 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 20
id: 497 Percent of your day focused on data science? 20
id: 497 Percent of your day focused on design? 20
id: 497 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 497 Timestamp 2/27/2017 13:04:18
id: 497 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? NA
id: 497 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 497 What do they use your data visualizations for? Entertainment
id: 497 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 497 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 497 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? NA
id: 497 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 497 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? NA
id: 497 What is your biggest frustration with your job? NA
id: 497 What is your educational background? Bachelors
id: 497 What is your official job title? Graphics Editor
id: 497 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Intro
id: 497 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 497 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 497 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? GIS
id: 497 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Graphics
id: 497 What one change would make your job better? NA
id: 497 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 497 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 497 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 497 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 497 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Illustrator
id: 497 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 497 What technologies do you use to visualize data? QGIS
id: 497 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 497 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 497 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 497 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Infographics
id: 497 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 497 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? NA
id: 497 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public


person question answer
id: 705 Age 26 - 35
id: 705 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 705 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 705 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 705 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 705 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? More
id: 705 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Hired to do data visualization
id: 705 Gender male
id: 705 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 705 How do you present your data visualizations? Embedded in a tool
id: 705 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 705 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 705 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 705 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 705 How is your organization using data visualization? Marketing
id: 705 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 4
id: 705 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Weekly
id: 705 How would you describe the relationship? Collaborative
id: 705 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? NA
id: 705 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? NA
id: 705 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Both
id: 705 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 705 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation
id: 705 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 10
id: 705 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 40
id: 705 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 20
id: 705 Percent of your day focused on data science? NA
id: 705 Percent of your day focused on design? 30
id: 705 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 705 Timestamp 2/28/2017 14:25:49
id: 705 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? NA
id: 705 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 705 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 705 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 705 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? NA
id: 705 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 705 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? NA
id: 705 What is your biggest frustration with your job? NA
id: 705 What is your educational background? Masters
id: 705 What is your official job title? Data Visualisation Manager
id: 705 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 705 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 705 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 705 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 705 What one change would make your job better? NA
id: 705 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 705 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 705 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 705 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Plotly
id: 705 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 705 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 705 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Leaflet
id: 705 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 705 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 705 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Processing
id: 705 Where do you live? Europe
id: 705 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 705 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 705 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Pie Chart
id: 705 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Flow Diagram
id: 705 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Network Diagram
id: 705 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? NA
id: 705 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 705 Who do you make data visualizations for? Clients


person question answer
id: 775 Age 26 - 35
id: 775 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 775 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? We have a set list of tools we’re expected to use for data visualization.
id: 775 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Research
id: 775 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Design
id: 775 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Ended up doing data visualization as a requirement of the job
id: 775 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 775 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Hired to do data visualization
id: 775 Gender male
id: 775 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 775 How do you present your data visualizations? Presentations
id: 775 How do you present your data visualizations? Documents
id: 775 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 775 How is your organization using data visualization? Communication
id: 775 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 775 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 1
id: 775 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Quarterly
id: 775 How would you describe the relationship? Subordinate
id: 775 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? Access to more visualization tools.
id: 775 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? NA
id: 775 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 775 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 775 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has same compensation
id: 775 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 30
id: 775 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 0
id: 775 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 40
id: 775 Percent of your day focused on data science? 20
id: 775 Percent of your day focused on design? 10
id: 775 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Public sector
id: 775 Timestamp 3/1/2017 12:38:26
id: 775 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? NA
id: 775 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 775 What do they use your data visualizations for? Research
id: 775 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 775 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 775 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? How much better it is compared than tables for communication.
id: 775 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 775 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? Limited tools.
id: 775 What is your biggest frustration with your job? NA
id: 775 What is your educational background? Masters
id: 775 What is your official job title? Statistician
id: 775 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Intro
id: 775 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Business Intelligence Tools
id: 775 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 775 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 775 What one change would make your job better? Being able to use any software I want.
id: 775 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 775 What’s your ethnicity? hispanic
id: 775 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 775 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Plotly
id: 775 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 775 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Leaflet
id: 775 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ggplot
id: 775 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other R
id: 775 What technologies do you use to visualize data? ArcGIS
id: 775 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 775 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 775 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 775 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Pie Chart
id: 775 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Treemap
id: 775 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 775 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? NA
id: 775 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 775 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives
id: 775 Who do you make data visualizations for? Project Managers


person question answer
id: 803 Age 25 or younger
id: 803 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 803 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 803 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Marketing
id: 803 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Engineering
id: 803 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Intended to work in data visualization
id: 803 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 803 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Hired to do data visualization
id: 803 Gender male
id: 803 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 803 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 803 How do you present your data visualizations? Scrollytelling
id: 803 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 803 How is your organization using data visualization? Marketing
id: 803 How is your organization using data visualization? Machine Learning
id: 803 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 2
id: 803 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Quarterly
id: 803 How would you describe the relationship? NA
id: 803 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? NA
id: 803 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? NA
id: 803 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 803 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Yes
id: 803 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation
id: 803 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? NA
id: 803 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? NA
id: 803 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? NA
id: 803 Percent of your day focused on data science? NA
id: 803 Percent of your day focused on design? NA
id: 803 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 803 Timestamp 3/1/2017 18:43:39
id: 803 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? NA
id: 803 What do they use your data visualizations for? Entertainment
id: 803 What do they use your data visualizations for? Learning
id: 803 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? NA
id: 803 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is the focus of my job
id: 803 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? NA
id: 803 What is your biggest frustration with your job? NA
id: 803 What is your educational background? Bachelors
id: 803 What is your official job title? Data Journalist
id: 803 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 803 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Intro
id: 803 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? ggplot2/Pandas Charts
id: 803 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 803 What one change would make your job better? NA
id: 803 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 803 What’s your ethnicity? asian
id: 803 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 803 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Python
id: 803 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Pandas
id: 803 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 803 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 803 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 803 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 803 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? NA
id: 803 Who do you make data visualizations for? General Public


person question answer
id: 960 Age 26 - 35
id: 960 Are data visualization specialists represented in the leadership of your organization? No
id: 960 Are you able to choose your own tools or are the choices made for you? I’m able to choose my own tools.
id: 960 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? IT
id: 960 Data visualization roles at your organization are found in what part of the organization? Marketing
id: 960 Did you set out to work in data visualization or did you fall into it? Ended up doing data visualization as a requirement of the job
id: 960 Do you want to spend more time or less time visualizing data in the future? Much more
id: 960 For your current role or the majority of your projects: were you hired to do data visualization only or is data visualization a part of your job/project description? Data visualization is only part of my job
id: 960 Gender male
id: 960 How did you learn to create data visualization? Mostly Self-Taught
id: 960 How do you present your data visualizations? Embedded in a tool
id: 960 How do you present your data visualizations? Dashboard
id: 960 How do you present your data visualizations? Static Web Page
id: 960 How is your organization using data visualization? Analysis
id: 960 How is your organization using data visualization? Summary/Overview
id: 960 How is your organization using data visualization? Exploration
id: 960 How many years have you been doing data visualization? 2
id: 960 How often do they consume your data visualizations? Weekly
id: 960 How would you describe the relationship? Consultative
id: 960 If you could change one thing about your data visualization work what would it be? NA
id: 960 If you could change one thing about your job what would it be? More time spent on data visualization
id: 960 Is there a separate group that does data visualizations or are you embedded in another group? (data science UX UI web data engineering IT etc) Embedded in another team
id: 960 Is this your first job doing data visualization? Not a data visualization professional yet
id: 960 Is your total compensation in-line with Software Engineers and UX/UI/Designer roles at your level? Data Visualization Role has Lower compensation
id: 960 Percent of your day focused on creating/implementing/productizing data visualizations? 10
id: 960 Percent of your day focused on data engineering? 30
id: 960 Percent of your day focused on data prep work? 10
id: 960 Percent of your day focused on data science? 0
id: 960 Percent of your day focused on design? 0
id: 960 The organization you work for is in which of the following? Private sector
id: 960 Timestamp 3/7/2017 10:43:04
id: 960 What community support / discussions / advice would you want to see from data visualization thought leaders? Help networking and finding jobs
id: 960 What do they use your data visualizations for? Analysis
id: 960 What do they use your data visualizations for? Summarization
id: 960 What do you think other people in your organization just don’t get about the data visualization work that you do? That there is value in making the data more easily human consumable.
id: 960 What focus is data visualization in your work? Data visualization is one of several other things I do in my job but not a primary or secondary part of my role
id: 960 What is your biggest frustration with doing data visualization in your job? It is often overlooked
id: 960 What is your biggest frustration with your job? Salary
id: 960 What is your educational background? Bachelors
id: 960 What is your official job title? Business Analyst
id: 960 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Moderate
id: 960 What knowledge level do they have of the data you are visualizing for them? Expert
id: 960 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? General charting libraries
id: 960 What level of data visualizations are used at your organization? Completely custom
id: 960 What one change would make your job better? NA
id: 960 What’s your employment status Full-time
id: 960 What’s your ethnicity? white
id: 960 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Excel
id: 960 What technologies do you use to visualize data? D3
id: 960 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Other Javascript
id: 960 What technologies do you use to visualize data? Leaflet
id: 960 Where do you live? USA or Canada
id: 960 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Line Chart
id: 960 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Bar Chart
id: 960 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Pie Chart
id: 960 Which of these charts have you used in production in the last 6 months: Choropleth Map
id: 960 Who do you look to as a thought leader in data visualization? NA
id: 960 Who do you make data visualizations for? Analysts
id: 960 Who do you make data visualizations for? Executives